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Martin Thornton (1915–1986) was an Anglican priest with a writing career that spanned nearly forty years. With a sacramental and Catholic sensibility he reflected profoundly upon prayer life in the Anglican tradition. His books are written for laypersons, clergy and catechists. He focused on ascetical and pastoral theology, spiritual direction, Anglican identity and tradition, the Book of Common Prayer as system [Regula], and parochial theology, and he prophetically anticipated post-Christendom, seeing its challenges yet even more its opportunities. His theology can still teach us, and the community around his work is growing. Martin Thornton, pray for us.

Martin Thornton: Farmer, Priest, Author
is a concise introduction to the man and his work.

Books and Articles
gathers together his remarkable writing in one place.

The Purple Headed Mountain
is the best introduction to Martin Thornton's theological approach.

Catholic and Anglican: The Motif, Model
and Operations of Martin Thornton's Theology

is an indepth analysis of Thornton's theological method.

The Principles Behind Martin Thornton's Ascetical Theology
is an introduction to his approach that examines his rethinking of the concept of ascetic
and his mode of ressourcement.

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Heavenly Father, you are the source of all thoughtfulness and your very Being is grace: we give you thanks for the gift of the life and theology of Martin Thornton, a priest in your Church whose whole life was lived to the greater glory of your holy Name; and if it be your will, continue to guide a community of souls who study Martin's theology to use his insights to rebuild your Church through closer relationship with the joy and salvation of your Son, Jesus Christ, who lives and reigns with you and the Holy Spirit, one God, now and forever. Amen.